FabFilter Twin 3 online help

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We would like to thank all beta testers for their relentless testing and never-ending stream of feature requests, helping us to make this plug-in as awesome (and bug-free) as possible.

A special thanks goes to bManic who helped shape Twin 3 by coming up with countless and extremely helpful feature requests, remarks and complaints, and last but not least, curating the factory presets.

FabFilter Twin 3 comes with a library of carefully designed presets. These were created by the following sound designers:

  • bManic
  • Allert Aalders / Sonar Traffic
  • Dan Worrall
  • Roelof van Krimpen
  • Maarten de Boer

Visit the FabFilter sound designers page to read more about each sound designer.

Next: About FabFilter

See Also
Purchase FabFilter Twin 3

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